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Have a “Hoppy” Easter with These Pet Safety Tips!

  • 27 March 2024
  • Author: 3 Sided Media
  • Number of views: 638
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Have a “Hoppy” Easter with These Pet Safety Tips!

Many families are gearing up to go on egg hunts and eat tons of candy for Easter this weekend. But before you jump into this spring holiday’s festivities, be sure to read over the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s (APCC) list of the top four most common pet dangers associated with Easter to keep your pets safe, “hoppy” and healthy!

1. Chocolate is one of the more popular Easter candies and, while delicious for humans, can be dangerous to pets. Chocolate can cause gastrointestinal upset, pancreatitis, stimulation to the nervous system (hyperactivity, tremors and seizures) and elevation in heart rate. Not all chocolate is created equally—the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is for pets.

2. Plastic grass used in Easter baskets seem to be a fan favorite for pets, but unfortunately, can be very problematic for them. This grass can become lodged in the gastrointestinal tract and wreak havoc if consumed. Signs for concern include vomiting, diarrhea, decrease in appetite, lethargy and stomach pain.

3. Plants are an everyday hazard to pets as many of them can cause issues for pets, but during this time of year, APCC sees an uptick in calls about Lilies and bulbs that bloom in spring. Lilies (Lilium sp and Hemerocallis sp) can cause serious concerns for our feline friends. Exposure to any parts of the plant can result in kidney injury and gastrointestinal upset.

4. Fertilizers and herbicides may seem random to this list, but many people begin gardening and yardwork on Easter weekend, which typically includes the use of fertilizers and herbicides. Make sure these are stored where pets can't chew or puncture the bottle and keep pets indoors while applying the products. Always follow label instructions and wait to let your pet out again until the product has been watered in or the ground is dry.

If you believe that your pet may have been exposed to or ingested something toxic please contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426- 4435 immediately.

Article Source: ASPCA

Photo Source: Shutterstock

Categories: Pet Blog 2
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