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to help you out

  • Are You Still Using Print Media Such As Yellow Pages To Reach Your Customers?

    In the past, businesses used newspapers and yellow pages to reach potential clients. According to a recent article in CBS News, the number of homes without a traditional “land line” telephone has doubled in the past three years. This means that more and more people are using only cell phones in their home and relying less on yellow page ads to locate goods and services. Today’s consumer is more likely to use an internet search on a computer or smart phone to try to locate your business. Without a strong web presence, you may not be found. Times have changed and you should too!

  • How Do I Write The Material For My Website?

    At 3 Sided Media, we have writers experienced in developing content for websites. Our writers can do the majority of the work or you can write the material and have our staff make suggestions. Our staff writers also understand how to incorporate keywords in your material that that helps your site to be found on the web as well.

  • Will the content that 3 Sided Media puts together for my site be adjustable?

    100% yes, any of the content is adjustable. At anytime, you are welcome to change or update the content on your website. Please fill out a support ticket requesting the individual changes and allow three to five business days for the changes to be implemented. The ticketing system will keep you up to date and email you when it has been completed.

  • Can I Control Who Can Post On My Business Facebook Page?

    Yes, one of the benefits of a Facebook page is that you determine who can post on your business page. Your options range from allowing anyone to post feedback or questions, setting controls to permit or prevent certain individuals from posting, or preventing anyone from posting on your business page.

  • If I Already Have A Url (www...) Can I Use It With Your Sites?

    Yes, we can either have the URL transferred to a 3 Sided Media account or you can maintain the URL.

  • What Do I Need To Do About Pictures For My Website?

    We ask that you send us the pictures you would like to use on your site. You can hire a professional or take them yourself and send them to 3 Sided Media staff.

  • If Stock Photos are used on my site can I send my own pictures?

    Yes we prefer clients use their own pictures for their website. Original photos help portray your business's personality and create an immediate connection to your client. Professional photos of your business are the best if you have the budget.

  • Is It Expensive To Create A Website?

    It doesn’t have to be expensive to create a website with 3 Sided Media. Our web design company has a variety of packages available, ranging from a traditional page to custom pages that give you more options and flexibility. Contact 3 Sided Media today to determine which package is best for you and your business.

  • Why Does My Company Need To Be Involved With Facebook, Twitter, Or Other Social Media?

    There are some perceptions that Facebook is for teenagers or simply a waste of time. However, Facebook has become an effective component of today’s business marketing. According to a Regus study, 35% of U.S. businesses have used Facebook to win new business. A basic Facebook business page will give a company an area to share information with customers, including new collection launches, sales, promotions, photos, and any other company news. Facebook is also an excellent forum to share non-brand related news, topics of interest and community events.

  • My Business Has A Facebook Page. Do I Still Need A Website?

    Yes! A website will be recognized by a search engine such as Google more quickly than it may be on Facebook. Also, as big as Facebook is, not everyone is a member. You need a presence on a website AND Facebook to make sure you have the most exposure to searches by your clients and potential clients.

  • How Is The Content Created For My Website?

    We will assign a staff writer to help you assemble your content. One of our writers will work with you on photo placement once we have collect all of the materials.

  • How Is The Payment For The Sites Handled?

    For customer convenience we use credit cards to bill all of our clients. This will be billed monthly and your invoice is your credit card statement.


When deciding on a website, choosing between a template and a custom design can be difficult. Let 3 Sided Media help!

Social Media

Social media is one of the ways clients discover goods and services in the web-driven market today.

Customer Service

Our work for you begins where other website companies end. Once your website is completed, our team just getting started.